1. The Brand (BE! Festival) is a film festival of festivals, which includes the BE! Winter Film Festival; animated and animated films BE! Cartoon", and, autumn "BE! Russia".
2. The organizer (Organizer of the Festival) is IP Honda IN
3. The festival "BE! Cartoon" is a cross–cultural platform and a competition of works in the field of animation and animation art.
4. The purpose of the Competition:
— To determine the best works in the field of animation among those submitted to the Festival Competition;
— Strengthening and developing cross-cultural ties between representatives of different countries and Russia.
5. Participants of the Competition
The competition is open to everyone: individuals and organizations (creative teams).
To participate in the Competition, you must contact the Organizing Committee of the Festival, submit an application on the website of the film festival or through international festival venues.
The participant of the Competition is an Applicant whose work was submitted to the Organizing Committee, passed the preliminary selection and was included in the competition program.
6. An additional fee is charged for the work – the registration fee.
7. The Applicant, in accordance with Article 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated 07/27/2006 "On Personal Data", gives the Organizer consent to the processing of personal data contained in the application for participation in the Competition, that is, to perform the actions provided for in paragraph 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated 07/27/2006 "On Personal Data". 3 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated 07/27/2006 "On Personal Data". Personal data is processed within the framework of the Competition and is used to identify the winners. This agreement is valid from the moment of submitting an application for participation in the Competition and until the date of withdrawal of consent submitted in writing.
8. Organization and issues of the Competition.
The competition includes two stages: pre-selection and a jury meeting.
All questions related to the selection of films for the Competition are accepted by e-mail:
Information about the pre-selected projects is available on the official website of the Festival http://animation in the "Program" section.
Acceptance of works will be carried out from March 08, 2024 to January 1, 2025.
The list of participating films will be published on February 1, 2025.
9. The competition is held in the following categories:
— "Student animation";
— "Debut animation";
— "Short films";
— "Full—length films";
- "Animated series"
10. Copyright and related rights
The participant of the Competition grants the Festival a gratuitous non-exclusive license for the following use of the submitted works (including the audiovisual work as a whole, its parts, frames and characters) without special approval:
— Public screening at the Animated Film Festival "BE! Cartoon";
— The use of parts of the work in the promotional video of the Festival, in a documentary about the Festival, in television reports about the Festival and in other audiovisual products aimed at spreading information about the Festival;
— Printing of frames and characters in the promotional materials of the Festival;
— Russian translation with subtitles and/or dubbing.
The Participant grants the Festival non-exclusive rights to all information about the submitted work (title, authors, biographical information about the creators, year of creation, description, etc.), with the possibility of using any of the methods provided by the Organizer. current legislation, including by including it in electronic and/or printed catalogues of the Festival.
The organizer of the Festival is obliged to hold screenings only on the designated territory and only within the prescribed period; The Organizer is obliged to create conditions for the safety of copies of works and not allow copying of works in quantities exceeding those necessary for showing at the Festival.
Responsibility for the observance of copyright and related rights when submitting an application for the Competition, when submitting a work, when creating an audiovisual work submitted for participation in the Competition lies with the Applicant. In case of claims by third parties, the Applicant is obliged to settle the claims independently, at his own expense and/or compensate for the damage caused to the Organizers of the Festival.
If the Applicant does not have the appropriate rights to the audiovisual work submitted for participation in the Competition, this Provision applies to the relationship between the Applicant and the Organizer in all cases, except for the Applicant's inaction.
11. Work requirements
Animated films in any animation technique created no earlier than January 1, 2022 are accepted.
Along with the work, you must provide:
— Information about the creative team and the production studio, a brief description (synopsis) of the film;
— Demonstration footage illustrating the work;
— The text of the subtitles with a time code.
Technical requirements for the works: the works will be shown in Full HD format. The preferred format is DCP and H.264 (.mov.avi) with high bitrate.
12. Summing up the results, choosing the winners.
To evaluate the works submitted for participation in the Competition, the Organizer forms a jury.
The works are evaluated by the jury within the framework of the nominations.
The main prizes of the Festival are:
— The Grand Prix "BE! Cartoon" – the best work of the Competition;
— The "BE!Cartoon.Short Meter" is the best work of the international animated short Film competition;
— The "BE!Cartoon.Full Meter" is the best work of the international full—length animation competition;
— The "BE!Cartoon.Student" is the best work of the international competition of any kind of student animation;
— The "BE!Cartoon.Debut" — the best work of the international competition of debut animated films;
— The "BE!Cartoon.The series is the best work of the international animated series competition;
— Special Jury Prize;
The jury has the right not to comment on its decision.
The invitation of guests and media representatives is decided by the Organizing Committee of the film festival.
Media representatives are accredited at the press center of the BE! Film Festival. Cartoon". Applications are sent to the animation
All expenses for the correspondent's stay at the film festival are borne by the sending organization.
13. Any changes to the rules, venue, dates, etc. come into force from the moment they are published on the website and on social networks.
14. Final provisions
All issues, including those not reflected in this Regulation, will be resolved by the organizer based on the current situation and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Revision 08.08.2024